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i played your game on stream and drew art of luigi with fredbear bc i couldn't resist... it was too cute!!


I love the fanart.

Thanks very much for supporting this revival project.

(1 edit) (+3)
Review: you remember the old version, But now you're dealing with the new version..

So yea, as you remember the story left off at the nightmare begins chapter 3,  what happened to chapter 4 ya ask?, well the creator got sued and had to discontinue the series, So they were planning a remaster but it got cancelled, Then brought up! Then cancelled, then brought up, OK so the truth is that they couldn't make up their mind about if they wanted to discontinue the series or not, but looking at this game you can tell what option they chose.

Time to get onto the review, you'll already notice some differences in the remaster, the older version is more fast-paced while the newer version feels very slow in comparison, Which is the first flaw, it felt like there were more cutscenes than gameplay, nonetheless, the cutscene in the beggining was honestly pretty promising, In the older version they used SFM to make these animations, But here you can tell that they are made with blender.

And honestly, the animatronics are more threatening than they were in the older version, in that version they were kinda cringey and just laughable, The dialogue they spout out on our plumber man was kinda cheesy, for example, "Where are you?"I know you're here" "found you" these are lines I heard alot in past horror games, Like, cmon dude.. 

Whats that? Ya wanna know what else has improved? Sure I'll tell you, Guess I should get straight to the point

Graphics 7/10:

HUGE improvement, the problem with the original is that it's graphics were far from good, the rooms are very open and not well designed, textures were pretty crappy, and the still 3D images are too squished, the arcade games were far worse,  OH my God you will be horrified once you go to the 2nd arcade machine, the only redeeming part were the 3D animated jumpscares

The remaster improved this all, rooms have more environment, wall textures are better, and the still 3D images also look good, and the animation, (while pretty linear) is nicely done.

Oof, not really a fan of the 2D sprites, Mario's animation for moping only consists of 2 frames, and it doesn't really look like moping, the animatronics look strange and so do the mario brothers, which is the reason why I bumped it 3 times down to a 7

Gameplay 6/10

The game is obviously inspired by mario and the music box judging from the gameplay elements. The game is a 2.5D adventure-RPG that takes a top-down view

In the old game the phone guy forces you into rooms and you'll  have to normally look inside to find an item just for an animatronic to pop up at very convenient times, you're never really in danger, Mario is only in danger when he has to make a choice or run from an animatronic, the cameras didn't come in use too, they are only used in cutscenes, luckily the remaster changes this all up though,

Mario can not enter rooms with ease now, He's going to have to go on cams to check what rooms the animatronics are roaming around, he immediately dies when he's in a small room with the animatronics, though when in a big room, he can still evade the animatronics but has to stay just out of their sight,

Honestly this is way better, this seems to be the main gameplay mechanic of the game that I hope will be used more in the full game, perhaps there can be an animatronic that breaks down a cam when you stare at them for too long, I'd kinda like to see that since that'd be variety y'know?

The remaster has fewer choice-making decisions than the old game, the part where you have to hide from bonnie in the backstage is removed, hiding in the kitchen from Chica as well, there is only 1 time where you actually have to make a choice to survive, And that's in the supply closet

the game is a bit on the easy side, Sure, it's a demo, But I still see this as a flaw because I suspect that when the full game comes out it'll be pretty easy, the only time the game actually got challenging was at the moping mission you had to do, Chica was the only one coming after you there, it's a shame that there wasn't anything that could alert her to you, basically mario has to mop all the dirty spots in the dining area while avoiding chica, but wait! Mario is missing the most important ingredient of moping, water, where was the bucket of water at? It would've been more challenging if after every 2 mops you're going to have to get more water from the bucket, because you just can't clean without the water.. stop breaking the laws of physics mario!

another flaw I had with the game, is with the chase scene, Once the dialogue ends You have to quickly scoot to the bottom right before chica decides to pounce you without giving you a headstart, all you have to do is run to the office, Which isn't that hard but I hope all chase sequences won't be like that though, also the chase sequence lacks tension and is pretty simplistic, there are no obstacles to avoid, and the goose chase with mario and chica lasts 6 seconds,

hey 6 ain't a bad score though, It could've gone lower.

Sound 9/10

Honestly the best part of the game, the voice acting for mario is phenomenal and is the main reason why the game over scene is so darn disturbing, and everything sounds like it's supposed too, the music is well done and fits with the atmosphere of the game, however there's not much wrong with this category other than the fact that mario and the animatronics have the same footstep noises, I would've preferred the animatronics had robotic footsteps, 

however the sound is really what makes this game, there's not really much to say about this though, but now this category has the highest score also, Don't worry because the next category will also get a good score!

Plot/story 8/10

After quitting a job because of spike offending Luigi, Mario and Luigi get their very first client, The owner of a pizzeria sends them to do some plumbing and fix some pipes, Sounds easy enough until things start to go down on the 2nd night..

Alright, the plot sounds pretty decent, the storyline? Oh that's just what I was about to get too, the developers said that the lore was gonna focus on william, Which is better because we already know alot about michael, however They use the main fnaf lore just for a storyline, Which I don't like though, in the OG game, it seemed like the lore focused more on michael, here it's gonna do the opposite, 

Remember the OG game where you conveniently encounter arcade games on some of the nights? Well the game FORCES you to go too them just for lore, Honestly I'd prefer if the arcade machines WILL appear in the game,  that they're just collectibles just for replay value, Speaking of, In the OG game, There was something HORRIBLY wrong with the arcade games, where does the game part come in? All you do is watch some brain dead png image goofy guys with purple shirts talking, toy know what, have the arcade games just be some optional playable minigames, but now that I talked about collectibles..

Replay value 5/10

Ok so it's a demo, of course there wouldn't be that much of a reason to come back, I know there are drawing pieces but those are the reason why I gave this a five, to start off there is no indication that you had to optionally find drawing pieces, Why not put a drawing piece icon under the chapter to indicate that there are collectibles, they are hidden at very unexpected places, To find them you have to randomly interact with an object until you hear mario say, "Whats this?" Players will only find these drawing pieces if they feel like interacting with everything, this is not good for players who just want to beat the game,

But look on the brightside! Atleast there is a reason to come back to the demo after it's beaten, (though requires it an immense amount of dialogue skipping..)


They fixed every flaw from the original game, And managed to make something great out of it with the remaster, Unfortunately though, this game is not flawless and still has a few mistakes like it's slow pace and all, I still enjoyed the adventure nonetheless and proud that HAZAH improved over his last games, perhaps they'll also remaster the nightmare begins, Who knows?

7,0/10 a pretty good game, but I'd argue that there are better RPG or FNAF games out there.

7,0/10 I'll take it.

I know full well that this remake is not going to be perfect. 

and I am glad you enjoyed it, thank you for the feedback.

A lot of things are going to be changed in the full release. things are difficult to program cause I haven't programmed in RPG Maker since 2021 lol.

I'll also take some of the suggestions you added and add them.

The Stars in the chapter selection are meant to indicate you got the drawing piece, but I guess it didn't make it very clear so I will add the drawing piece in the chapter selection to make it clear you did get them.

There will be more chase sequences in later chapters, and we also have something big planned.

And sadly there will not be a Nightmare Begins remake due to this new story and Nightmare Begins is retconned to avoid plot holes. 

I at least hope it's way better than the old version.

Pretty good game, will play more when more chapters come out

Hi there! I would like have your permission for something. May i upload some of your game art to a website called "SteamGridDB"? its a website where you download and share custom video game assets and personalize your steam library. In case you don't know, you can change Steam game artwork, and add a Non-Steam games. So i was wondering if its okay to upload some of your In-game image and artwork. And ill give a proper credit to you and your game. Here's a image on what im talking about.


That's a thing? 

I mean as long as you're not uploading it to actual steam or an outright reupload 

then it's fine.

Thank you so much! Thats very kind of you. If you want, you can check it out Mario in Animatronic Horror - SteamGridDB

tis game ispretty good...


please fix it :D

Yooo aren't you the guy thats in mario the music box comments no way


is chapter 3 out yet


Please stop asking for chapter 3

it will be ready when it's ready.


sorry  I am just so excited pls forgive me I just like reacting to youtubers playing it😪😪👍👍👍👍👍

(1 edit) (+2)

mario looks like an SMG4 redesign


Lol yess

Great Job

Hey Bonniefan3000 Or Galacticstar-studio There will be Mario in animtronic horror nightmare? after you finished game?


1. It's hazah now 

2. there will Not be a nightmare begins remake for the sake of plot holes 

it's officially retconned and no longer happened.



I done making my part 1 and part 2 gameplay videos on the remake of the game, and it is awesome, but I might probably play it on mobile once it comes out on mobile, but I do understand that you have to the main pc, thank job


I hope chapter 3 comes out im excited!!!


Loved how creative this game was! Really started picking up at the end! Looking forward to playing more hopefully!
Deleted post

That's weird I never encountered that

Deleted post

Great Game! The Dynamic with the brothers really boosted the story!

Knowing nothing about FNAF, but being an avid Mario fan -- I really enjoyed this demo! Can't wait to see what else ya got in store for the rest of the game!


Judging from your channel looks like you're an RPG Maker fan 

Which I give my compliments to you. 

I find RPG Maker fun to use (and easy) 

I'm glad you're liking the game so far.


Podría sacar una versión traducida, es un juegazo pero hay mucho texto y leerlo en un idioma que no es el tuyo hace tener que traducirlo y se hace mas lenta y aburrida la experiencia.


I absolutely loved this! Can’t wait for the other chapters! Here is Non Commentary Gameplay of both Chapter 1 and 2.


hey Where can I play the first play the original game???


If it's been deleted then put it back up


I rather not have the cringey version be up.


Then How people going to compare the difference??


Ps I've been watching this game well the old game of it when I was 7 I love to see this game to be remastered


Is there gonna be a Mobile port?


MZ has mobile export support so yes!

But I want to deal with the main PC Build first before we worry about an android port.


Thanks for the heads up

(1 edit) (+1)

every time i double click on it after downloading it, it always gets a new download on


what do I do if it says that it failed to initialize the graphics


Did you install it correctly? When I saw other people play it, it ran fine.

(1 edit) (+1)

Im not sure, could you possibly explain how to install it correctly?


hey i know these Mario and Luigi models


i think i love you


When is chapter 3 coming out???


I can’t wait for the full game! 


I just got done playing I LOVE IT it was amazing! Can't wait when the full game will come i was hyped


When will the chaoter 3 come out? You did an awesome job on the game!!! 👍👍👍👍👌


When will the full game be released?


Yooooo my boyyyy Hazmaster......question can I play on Chrome book?


ps, this is probably a dumb question sorry...



it be paint file everytime i download it

im gona b paitent til ful relese

hopfuly it wurks after :')


Paint file???

It would be best if you had winrar in order to install the game


I just finished playing it; very good! can't wait for the final release 


good Freddy toture mask scene


this is definitely way more interesting than the original, i hope to see what the full version has to offer.



idk if your gonna do it but will you add easter eggs of famous youtubers in the game like plushies or a poster?


From other FNAF Stuff maybe.

But I don't want to overdo Famous YouTuber references


should add kubzscouts

maybe fusionzgamer? he played like, all of miah


I think I have to get a better computer, because I am on a laptop, and later this year, I am getting a deskto


I will just have to wait until I get a desktop I guess, I am not sure if the game is going to work at all for

Nvm, I found a way to make the game launch on my laptop


The Mario and Luigi gmod designs look a little like SMG4 but recolored.


Yeah we didn't want to use the Odyssey models 

so we wanted to use more original models
and the original modelers gave me kind permission to use it


Okay. Well I just think I have seen those from somewhere.

(2 edits) (+2)

I thought you stopped making the remake because of your mental state. But anyway, I am super glad you are now working on this project.

Just promise me to take plenty of breaks and the time you need to build this project slowly and successfully.

I know how hard it is to become a game developer, as some people will mock you, but you have fans who are looking forward to the ideas and your creations rather than being forced to like the idea. 

It is better to re-think the game and plan out what to keep in the game and what is scrap or never to be implemented.

I look forward to this creation, as I am excited about it.

It will be worth it for you, as you are an incredible game creator.

I hope you are well

Kind Regards

Feisty Deaf Fennekin

(PS: You have a bunch of amazing team members, each one has an amazing talent and I thanks them all for the time contributing the project)


When is it coming out? What month at least?


holy fucking shit

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